Saturday, November 10, 2012

Upcoming Changes

Quick post to let everybody know that things here at the SourTap website may temporarily be broken while I convert the blog into an actual website. The blog will still be up and accessible by visiting, all posts will still be available to view on the homepage as well. As always keep checking back for updates on the progress of things.

EDIT: Reverted back to the old blog layout. Working on fixing a few kinks and such with the new site. If you want to take a look and see what is coming and how the new layout is coming along feel free to take a look at here:

Saturday, October 20, 2012

PagePlus Dealer

Keep a look out for a new tab that will be labeled "Wireless Service", SourTap Mobile has bee approved as a certified PagePlus dealer and will soon be selling cellular phones and airtime cards, as well as  providing services such as activations, ESN changes and number ports.
This will help provide revenue to help with keeping the site up and running and purchasing

devices and equipment for development and testing purposes. Any followers that currently use PagePlus as a carrier will be able to soon support the site and future development by purchasing airtime and monthly plans from SourTap Mobile.
All donations are welcome and very much needed at this time.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

New Mobile App in Google Play Store

Uploaded an RSS reader app to the Google Play Store. Get push notifications and stay up to date on new posts regarding application/game updates, news, share posts to social networks and more! Check the download page or search "SourTap RSS" in the Play Store to get it.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Google Play Store

Uploaded 2 applications to the Google Play Store a few weeks ago that I forgot to mention here. The first app is called "Back Track". This app simply stores your current location and later opens Google Maps to help find your way back and can be downloaded here. Next up is "Paint Pad", which is just a simple app that allows you to choose between 12 different colors and 3 different brush sizes to paint with. Paint Pad can be downloaded here. Evil Toast is still in the making and I may upload a BETA version with a few levels to the Play Store sometime soon. Keep an eye out!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

EvilToast (re)Progress

Working on EvilToast a little bit this late and boring night. Not a lot of time for me to work on any projects during the day due to having to watch the kids and such. Most work will done during the late hours so things may seem a little slow at times.. Keep checking in for the latest news. Also I may look into making an Android application to fetch the RSS feed of the site to make it more convenient to stay up to date on things.

Monday, March 12, 2012

EvilToast is now SourTap

New domain. I have decided to drop the "EvilToast" domain and create a new one to host the game on when it is complete. This choice has been made due to the fact that I needed one single domain name for all of the games that I plan to create vs. having one for each game or hosting them all at EvilToast. Sorry about any confusion and/or issues this may cause for anybody trying to stay up to date on development.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Domain Issue

Please use the url: if you wish to view the site. GoDaddy is acting up and causing issues with the .net domain. Hopefully this issue will be fixed soon and everybody can go back to using the old address. Also, the delay in development should hopefully be ending very soon. Keep EvilToast bookmarked!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Site has been moved to Blogger & Google Sites

As I mentioned in my last post this site is now hosted by Google with Blogger & Google Sites. There are still a few small things left for me to do to have everything up and functioning the way it should be. A big problem that I am trying to fix is a problem with the sub-domain "", it seems to not be linked to anything and I am having a bit of trouble figuring it out. I'm going to take a look into all my settings again and see if I can get it sorted out.
Be sure to take a look at my blog at for more info on why things have not been updated here.
Check back often, things are going to start picking up soon!