Thursday, March 22, 2012

EvilToast (re)Progress

Working on EvilToast a little bit this late and boring night. Not a lot of time for me to work on any projects during the day due to having to watch the kids and such. Most work will done during the late hours so things may seem a little slow at times.. Keep checking in for the latest news. Also I may look into making an Android application to fetch the RSS feed of the site to make it more convenient to stay up to date on things.

Monday, March 12, 2012

EvilToast is now SourTap

New domain. I have decided to drop the "EvilToast" domain and create a new one to host the game on when it is complete. This choice has been made due to the fact that I needed one single domain name for all of the games that I plan to create vs. having one for each game or hosting them all at EvilToast. Sorry about any confusion and/or issues this may cause for anybody trying to stay up to date on development.